The 2010 Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference subject:
Four Great Emphases in the Lord’s Recovery for Carrying Out God’s Divine Economy
The conference audio files in MP3 format and the PDF outlines are available at this link.
MP3 Audio files:
- Message 1: Four Great Emphases in the Lord’s Recovery for Carrying Out God’s Divine Economy (1) (106,376K, 103 minutes)
- Message 2: Four Great Emphases in the Lord’s Recovery for Carrying Out God’s Divine Economy (2) (81,386K, 87 minutes)
- Message 3: Loving and Contacting Men According to the Heart of the Triune God (91,063K, 97 minutes)
- Message 4: Contacting People Personally to Minister Christ to Them to Bear Them as Remaining Fruit (104,036K, 111 minutes)
- Message 5: Contacting People in Twos and Threes in the Reality of the Vital Groups to Gain Increase for the Church (69,555K, 74 minutes)
PDF file:
- Four Great Emphases in the Lord’s Recovery for Carrying Out God’s Divine Economy conference outlines (English)