The 2011 Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference subject:
Speaking the Word of God
The conference audio files in MP3 format and the PDF outlines are available at this link.
MP3 Audio files:
- Message 1: The Speaking God Desiring that Man Speak for Him (96 MB, 100 minutes)
- Message 2: The Beautifying and Killing Functions of the Word of God for the Church as the Glorious Bride of Christ and the Corporate Warrior of God (104 MB, 108 minutes)
- Message 3: Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us Richly (97 MB, 101 minutes)
- Message 4: Living a Prophesying Life to Speak the Word of God in Ten Major Categories for the Building Up of the Church (90 MB, 93 minutes)
- Message 5: The Word of God Growing, Multiplying, and Prevailing (134 MB, 140 minutes)