If your bank offers this service free of charge, you can use your bank’s bill pay service to send gifts to The Church in Denver. Check with your bank regarding terms and conditions.
If it is available, you can schedule the gift on your bank’s website (or bill pay service website) and the bill pay service will mail a check to the church meeting hall.
There are many different bill pay services. Here are examples of what two bill pay screens look like.
Create The Church in Denver as a new payee. If you select “Bill pay payee” as the payee type, the payment will be sent by check. For “account number” you can put in “General fund” or leave the field blank. The church’s address is:
The Church in Denver
2180 S Leyden St
Denver, CO 80222
After creating The Church in Denver as a payee, you can schedule a one-time or recurring gift via the bill pay service.